Hi there, whoever you are,
I said i was going to make this blog a little personal so here i am.
In case you're someone who doesn't know me,
I'm Pearl.
Yes that's my really name and no i do not like being made fun of
Don't worry, I'm not gonna start doing a biography or any sort.
I'm not that interesting or cool like the others anyway,just a regular person, with all sorts of emotions.
Like a regular person, i have all my fingers and toes,eyes,nose, mouth, organs,hair.
Basically i have everything a normal person has.
As you would have known, I either am doing anything related to fashion or at least have the slightest interest in fashion.And you're right.
I'm currently a student in an arts college struggling to major in Fashion communication.
Something I'm incredibly interested about in my boring little life.
I think that's about it,
Have a great life.
Ps: yes i do swear a lot.